International Facilities Project
Location: Calgary, AB, Canada
Project Dates: 2010-2014
Project Type: 24 Gate Fuel Hydrant System Expansion
The green field IFP project required a looped and segmented hydrant system to service 37 aircraft positions with the ability to shut down sections while keeping others in service, both during construction and during operations for maintenance purposes. Over 3,500 metres of 400mm diameter fuel pipe, 4 aboveground valve stations, and at least 85 hydrant and service pits were installed over 3 years. The scale of the new work required significant planning for filling, flushing and commissioning a new system that contained over half a million litres of fuel.
As General Contractor, WSN provided the following third-party services, sub-contracts and procurement:
- All piping, pits, valves and materials
- Survey and locating services
- Bulk excavation, disposal and backfill
- Pipeline coatings
- Emergency Fuel Shut-off system
WSN also provided the following self-performed activities of the Contract:
- Civil and concrete work
- Piping shop fabrication
- Piping and Mechanical installation
- Structural steel installation
- Pipeline flushing and commissioning
- Site Supervision and Coordination labour
- First Aid & Safety labour
Project Challenges and Successes
The enormous scope of the project and the pipeline installation distances required planning and innovative thinking to execute successfully in a construction site akin to a large mine. The ever-changing landscape and access between areas of work required a strong relationship and engagement with civil contractors, engineers and planners to ensure CFFC’s installation was executed efficiently and safely.